

May 15, 2024

Mothers’day is one of the most important celebrations on the global calendar; and Itake the opportunity to wish all women a happy mothers’ day. It is acelebration that has evolved from celebrating biological mothers toacknowledging womanhood and recognizing women who have made significant impactin the lives of individuals, communities, the nation and on the global stage. Therefore,to all women, young and old, great and small, I say Ayekooo!!!!!

Mothers’day is a reminder that women matter, and it is most encouraging to see womengiven opportunities to excel in their chosen fields. Biblically, we see examplesof great influential women such as Deborah, who was a wife, a prophetess andjudge (Judges 4 and 5); Hulda, a prophetess who counselled kings (2 kings22:13-20); and Queen Esther, who saved the Jews from total annihilation (thebook of Esther). Ghana in recent times has made great strides in recognizingthe talents and potentials of women and over the past two decades we haveexperienced three female Chief Justices, including the current, Her ladyshipJustice Gertrude Torkornoo; a female Speaker of Parliament, Her LadyshipJustice Joyce Bamford-Addo, who was not just the first female Speaker in Ghanabut also the West African sub-region; the premier University, University ofGhana’s current Vice Chancellor, Prof Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, is a woman; we havehad two female Electoral Commissioners, etc. Women are rising up in Parliament,leading churches, creating industries and excelling in other hitherto maledominated areas. This is a sure sign and evidence that women are key players inevery sphere of society.  It wastherefore gratifying when one of the leading political parties selected a womanas a running mate in the 2024 presidential elections and I congratulate the NationalDemocratic Congress and the presidential aspirant, the former President JohnDramani Mahama for this show of honour to womanhood by their selection ofProfessor Jane Naana Opoku Agyemang. I therefore urge all other politicalparties to emulate the NDC in this regard by nominating and appointingqualified and God fearing women into key governance positions, including to theticket of the presidency in the forthcoming elections. Not only would this showcaseGhana on the global stage as a forward thinking nation, it would also break theglass ceiling for many young girls who need exemplary role models to push themforward to attain great heights.  

While weacknowledge these achievements, we must not rest on our oars, more needs to bedone to equalize the gender barometer by putting in positive systems and structuresin both private and public sectors. Affirmative action is a must if we are toeffectively eliminate systemic and cultural discrimination, remedy the past andprevent future occurrences of same. A quota system must be established tosafeguard and grow the percentage female presence in the public and privatesectors.

Again, whilewe celebrate the many positives associated with this day, we should also notoverlook the plight of many many women who are caught up in abusive anddegrading situations. Statistics show that violence against women remainsunabated and domestic violence in particular continues to be a canker in manyhomes across the nation. This is most unfortunate in this generation ofknowledge and enlightenment. I therefore take the opportunity to remind all menof this biblical mandate,

“Husbands,love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself forher…”

Eph5:25 (NKJV)

I counselall men to honour the women who support them to raise their families. We mustfollow the biblical mandate to love our wives as Christ loved the Church, toseek peace and to cherish the dignity and honour of womanhood.    

Onceagain, I salute all the gallant women of Ghana. Continue to shine.

Godbless you all.  



ApostleGeneral Sam Korankye Ankrah.